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MUSIC, Maestro: Sponsor News!

Team IndyChat Presents Team Sponsor (drum roll....):

(Or as we also like to say, for people who love music...)

Aloha, Hello, Hallo, Hola. Greetings, Race Fans!

As you might guess, the Team IndyChat website runs on more than just IndyCar Racing and fumes!

Yes, that's right... If you know anything about THIS team, you know we are fueled by MUSIC! Yes indeed, we likes our music. We like MANY genres of music, QUITE the eclectic music miX, as a matter of fact...

With that said... and with GREAT PLEASURE, we announce that Team IndyChat is fueled with eXceptionally uneXpected music from XpatRadio.mX

Stay tuned for more!

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Team IndyChat Transporter by UJoint

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