Greetings, Race Fans!
FINALLY! Indy 500 pix are posted! Pix from Team IndyChat adventures in Indianapolis during the month of May in 2016 are posted to Faceplant. I mean Facebook.
Here you will see fun times during / around the time of the Historic Running of the 100th Indy 500. Which coincidentally, fell on one certain Team Owner's BIRTHDAY!
Yep, we celebrated this incredibly unforgettably and most auspicious occasion of the Race Day-Birthday with a few hundred thousand race friends... (And you know who you are!)
Go ahead, you know you wanna see 'em. Head on over to see for yourself to
And please, if you have some pix or stories to share, won't you please share them there? And don't forget to hit that LIKE button! Be sure to tell your friends! The more race fans / race friends, the merrier!
It. Was. AMAZING! All day long, all night long...
#FullThrottle! #TurnItUpUpUp! ♫♪ i am INDY! ♪♫